To celebrate Earth Day (April 22, 2024), The Friends of Camp and Hope Slough (now Save our Sqwá:la) have put together an educational day for students in Chilliwack.
We are collaborating with Shxwlistexw te Sqwá:la Shxwelí:
Care for the Life Spirit of the Hope Slough and
Friends of Bell Slough to present lessons about Hope Slough.
Each session will consist of three parts:
1. Halq'eméylem teachings with
Johnnie Williams
2. Riparian Plants at Hope Slough with
Deb Ego
3. Who is in the water? The aquatic
ecosystem of Hope Slough with Stephanie Christensen, R.P.Bio
In addition to these teachings, each student will have the opportunity to plant a desirable species along the slough and will be given a special gift to take home. We will have snacks available.
Each session requires the students to be on-site for 90 minutes. We only have three sessions available. The first starts at 8:45 am, the second at 10:30, and the last at 1:00 pm. We can accommodate a maximum of 60 students at each session. Maybe classes from the same school can attend at the same time.
Cost will be X per class
We would like to take some photographs, so we ask that permission slips include asking for permission to take photographs of students.
We have rented the Scout hall at 47130 Hope River Road for indoor sessions, but most of the time will be outside, no matter the weather.
Students need to be prepared to be outside for the weather. We recommend rubber boots or an extra pair of shoes in case anyone gets wet.